Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rastlin at The Stadium Inn

My neighbor's dog, Copper, and I have a little routine worked out. Pretty simple really. She sees/hears me pull up, then lumbers over, tail wagging, a big smile on her face. Yes, it's treat time. I keep a stash on the front dash of my Element. So after returning from The Stadium Inn last night, she bursts through the bushes and into our driveway, waiting for her nightcap. 

She sits on command, eyes sparkling, nose working. I extend my hand, treat flush in my palm. Wait, what the hell is this smell she thinks. She starts sniffing around my pants leg. Up, down, all over. This is very strange, she thinks. Where in God's name have you been that smells like a combination of vomit and urine. Wait til you see the photos I tell her. She pulls back, not sure if she still wants a treat with such an odor in her nose. Finally, after a few clean deep inhales, she comes forward again and snags the treat and makes a mad dash back through the bushes and to her perch on my neighbor's front door step.

Never has a dog worked so hard for so little. 


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