Yellow Medicine, Controlled Burn, Knockemstiff
I'm a pretty avid reader, consuming about a book a week. My interests are pretty varied, but I'm especially drawn to crime fiction. I also subscribe to over a dozen magazines (tear sheet references, tax write offs) and usually come across potential new reads that way (though the NY Times Book section is still my favorite way to discover the overlooked or forgotten). One of the cool things about iTunes and Amazon is the People Who Purchased X Also Purchased Y Z link/section. I had just finished Donald Ray Pollock's collection Knockemstiff . It had a blurb from Scott Wolven on the backside of the book. I remembered reading Wolven's collection Controlled Burn. Several of the stories/images had stayed with me a year later. I normally get all of my reads from the library, but I thought, I'm still thinking about these stories, so maybe I oughta go ahead and purchase the book so I can reread them whenever. I searched Amazon and was able to pick up a copy for a couple of bucks. Then I noticed the People Who Purchased link on the bottom. There were several I hadn't seen before. Yellow Medicine was one of them. I picked it up from the Nashville Public Library and it sucked me in and spit me out about three days later. If you like Jim Thompson (especially his masterpiece The Killer Inside Me), then check this out. In fact, check all three of them out. Pollock and Wolven are like modern day versions of David Goodis (another hero of mine).
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